Best Christ-Centered Christmas Books for Kids

As a Christian myself, I find it important to bring wholesome, Christ-centered books into our home. Especially around Christmas time, when we are indeed celebrating the fact that Christ, Our Savior, has been born. These lovely books embody the true meaning of Christmas in beautiful story form that all will enjoy. These are my favorite Christ-centered Christmas books for children. 

A Note About Text Length and Books Based in Reality

As a Montessori teacher and a toddler mama, I keep in mind two things while I am looking through books in addition to the quality of the story. One is if the text is simple and brief or if it is a longer story. I love both but find it important to note depending on who you plan to read the story to. The second consideration I have is if the story is based in reality or if there is fantasy woven into the story, like when animals talk in books.

In the Montessori philosphy, Dr. Maria Montessori emphasizes that we should offer young children, under the age of six, books based on reality. This is due to their first-plane characteristics. This idea is debated among Montessorians and isn’t something I worry too much about in our home, as long as the characters are based on reality. So for us, that means no superheroes or unicorns at a young age. But to an extent I am okay with talking animals in our story books.

What About the Wise Men?

Another consideration that was important to mention is if the book depicts the wise men at the birth of Jesus. In the Bible, they were not at the manger when Jesus was born and came after. However, you can find this detail missing in many Christ-centered Christmas books. I will make a note with each book if the wise men are shown at the manger. If that detail is not listed, they either don’t appear or appear at the biblically accurate time.

This is the Stable 

This is the Stable is a poetically written book of the story of Christmas. It highlights Mary, her husband Joseph, and the wise men who are with and visiting Christ’s child. It is a sweet little story that highlights the humbleness of the stable in Bethlehem. 

Key Points
  1. Simple text

The Crippled Lamb

The Crippled Lamb, written by the beloved author Max Lucado, is a sweet story of a little lamb, Joshua, who is feeling left out becasue of his crippled leg. He isn’t able to run, jump, and play with the other lambs. But there was something special in store for Joshua. At the end of the story, we see that Joshua’s prayers are answered in a special way on Christmas Day.

Key Points
  • Simple text but a full story
  • Talking animals 
  • Beautiful illustrations

The Little Drummer Boy

This story of the little drummer boy almost moved me to tears reading it, well singing it, becuase it even gives you the (pa-rum-pum-pum-pum) part of the drum throughout the book. The book is the words from the Christmas classic song “The Little Drummer Boy,” yet it holds such a powerful message we all need to be reminded of. We can find ourselves poor, like this drummer boy. Unfit with any gifts for a king. He plays a song on his drums for baby Jesus. 

Key Points
  • Simple text

The Three Wise Men

This is a story of the three wise men, Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar. The story tells of their journey to Bethlehem to meet baby Jesus. This is a great way to continue reading about what happened the days following Jesus’ birth leading up to the feast of the Epiphany. 

Key Points
  • Simple text
  • Beautifully sketched illustrations 

Sounding Joy 

Sounding Joy is a simple and thought-provoking board book that gets young readers or listeners thinking about what joy sounds like. By the end of the book, we discover that joy sounds like the angels singing that Jesus had been born.

Key Points
  1. Simple text
  2. Board book

Merry Christmas Strega Nona

Merry Christmas Strega Nona is another classic Tommy DePaulo Strega Nona book. In this book, Strega Nona is preparing all throughout Advent for the Christmas feast she always hosts for everyone in town. With all the preparations needed to be done, there is no time for her typical magic. It will come down to the help of Big Anthony. But will he and Strega Nona be able to get it all done in time?

  • Simple text but a full story.

The Story of the Three Wise Kings

The Story of the Three Wise Kings is written by Tommy DePaulo, a famous author. It is a simple story about the three wise kings, Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar. It shares how they traveled, followed the star, visited King Herod, brought gifts to Jesus, and then left a different way so as to not return to Herod. The story follows that of the one in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 2: 1-12. 

  • Simple text

Silent Night

This book is simply the Christmas carol Silent Night written out and illustrated throughout the book. This is one of my favorite songs and I like that it has been put into a book for us to share with our children. I found myself wanting to sing the text off of the pages, which I think is only to be expected. 

  • Simple text

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The Light of Christmas Morning

The Light of Christmas Morning is all about family tradition in the Church, starting with Mass on Christmas Eve. Throughout the book, you see the beauty of family tradition that honors the great gift we recieve on Christmas, Our Savior, Jesus Christ. You’ll expereince joy through these beautiful family traditions that you may even want to continue in your family.

Key Points
  • Simple text
  • Beautiful illustrations
  • Catholic perspective, at least at the beginning of the story.

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree is one of my favorite Christmas books. It is the story of a young girl, Ruthie, and her family providing the tree for their town, Pine Grove. As Ruthie impatiently waits for her dad to return from war, she and her mom do something special on a wintry night. This book is a heartwarming reminder of the courage and power of family. This book is not explicitly about the story of Jesus, but there is a Nativity play that Ruthie performs in and it has the true meaning of the season woven into every page. Notably, it is a two-time Caldecott medal recipient. 

Key Points
  • Longer story text
  • Beautiful illustrations

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

This is a beautiful Christmas story about the best woodcarver in the valley, Jonathan Toomey. A man who never smiles until a request is made from a widow and her son. Throughout the story, you see the Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey unfold.

Key Points
  • Beautiful illustrations
  • Longer story

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Itsy Bitsy Christmas

Itsy Bitsy Christmas is another captivating Christmas story by Max Lucado. Two adorable little mice, Itsy and Bitsy, go on a journey to search for the new King. Feeling too small for the King, they ultimately see that Christ the King has come for everyone, even for little ones like themselves. As a note, the entire book is animals talking, for me, with the age of my children this was one book I won’t have on my shelf just yet. It is an adorable story that does share the real meaning of Christmas. 

Key Points
  • Simple text
  • Talking animals

The Christmas Light

This Christ-centered Christmas story is from the perspective of the young daughter of the innkeeper. Bothered by how crowded their sleeping loft is, she remembers the couple who is out in her family’s stable. While bringing them some fire to keep them warm, she has an encounter with baby Jesus and is changed. 

Key Points
  • Beautiful illustrations

Room for a Little One

This sweet story of a Kind Ox in a stable who makes room for all of the little ones. Then Mary comes with Joseph, riding on a Donkey, making room for another little one, baby Jesus. 

Key Points
  • Simple text
  • Talking animals
  • Beautiful illustrations
  • Board book options available

The Legend of the Candy Cane

The Legend of the Candy Cane was a classic Christmas story I grew up reading. A newcomer arrives in town and everyone has their wish of what he is here for. Lucy becomes friends with the newcomer and he shares a very special story with her when she finds candy canes and asks what they are. It is the perfect way to share the legend and the meaning behind the common Christmas candy, the candy cane. 

  • Slightly longer text

Mortimer’s Christmas Manger

This is a sweet story of Mortimer, a small mouse, when out and about looking for crumbs he found a house just his size, that is Jesus’ manger in the stable. Mortimer learns that when he makes room for Jesus, in turn, Jesus makes room for him. 

  • Talking animals
  • Simple text
Collage of Christmas book ideas.

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