Best Montessori Climbing Toys to Get for Kids

Supporting a child’s gross motor skills is very important. Children need to be able to run, climb, jump, balance, twist, and do all other forms of movement! Getting enough movement can be challenging during winter, extremely hot summer days, or bad weather. A great way to meet a child’s need for movement when outdoor play isn’t available is to have indoor climbing toys. There are many different Montessori climbing toys for young children that I will share with you in this blog post!

Montessori Climbing Triangle 

A Montessori climbing triangle, also known as a Pikler triangle, is often a Montessori parent’s first major purchase. A triangle climber has a stable triangle design. Additionally, a Pikler triangle can be used from a very young age, even as young as 6 to 10 months old. During this time a baby will begin pulling up to stand on furniture, and a Pikler triangle is a great place for them to do that. I like having specific climbing furniture in our home to redirect my children when climbing on things they shouldn’t…like the kitchen table.

A Montessori Pikler triangle and ramp

There are many different options when it comes to Montessori climbing triangles. You can get a foldable triangle, making it ideal for easy storage in small spaces. A Montessori climbing set comes with a ramp (sometimes a double-sided slide with a climbing wall) and a climbing arch. Depending on your space and budget, any of these options would be a perfect addition to an indoor play space. Since there are so many options for Montessori climbing triangles, I put together an entire blog post on how to choose the best Montessori climbing triangle, check it out here

If you’re looking for my top recommendation, I suggest the RAD Pikler Triangle. It is certified by the Pikler organization and it comes in different sizes. Get 10% off your next order at RAD Children’s Furniture by using the code “MONTESSORITWIN10“!

Montessori Pikler climbing triangle with ramps with rungs.

Balance Beam

RAD Children’s Furniture has many Montessori climbing toys but this balance beam is ideal for developing and improving balance control. It spans 9 feet long and can be twisted into different shapes. There are endless opportunities for ways to use this balance beam. You could add even more sets to make it as long as your heart desires. It would be a great addition to an obstacle course and a perfect aid in imaginative play. As with all RAD furniture, it is made of high-quality materials. If you’d like to get a balance beam for your home or Montessori classroom, use my code “MONTESSORITWIN10” for 10% off your next order at RAD Children’s Furniture!

A young child walking on a wooden balance beam in a Montessori environment.


We can foster children’s creativity by preparing the environment with pieces of furniture that their imagination can transform into many different things. You can use a rocker arch as an arch to climb over, or you can use it as a rocker. Wood and Hearts sells a pad that can be placed inside the arch for a cozy spot for your child to relax and look at a book. Shop with my code “TWINMAMA” to get a discount on your order at checkout!

There are a few other Montessori rockers that are worth mentioning. RAD Chidlren’s Furniture has a Rocking Boat and Steps. Again, this can be either a rocker, in this case, shaped like a boat or it could be turned over and be steps to climb on. A piece like this seems perfect to grow with your child. They will have a great opportunity to learn how to climb up and down stairs. 

Wobble Balance Board

A wobble balance board is a simple toy for younger and older kids. You can use it to stand and balance on while rocking it back and forth, or you can invert it and use it as a small structure to climb over. Either way, little climbers will love this balance board! 

Wobble Balance Board

The simplicity of this toy is what is fun! Who thought a curved piece of wood could have so many uses and entertain so many ages of children and even adults?! This would make a great birthday or Christmas gift for a child in your life!

Labyrinth Climbing Toy

Certainly, if my home was larger and I had the space for the Labyrinth I would buy it! This would create the ultimate indoor playground. Both RAD Children’s Furniture and Sprout sell a Labyrinth. Sprout sells the official Pikler® Labyrinth which was created in partnership with the Pikler House. Use my code “TWINMAMA10” for 10% off your next Sprout order! RAD also sells a beautiful Labyrinth with a linear design. Get 10% off your next order at RAD Children’s Furniture by using the code “MONTESSORITWIN10“!

An infant crawling through a Montessori wooden labyrinth.

Indoor Jungle Gym

If you have a lot of indoor space available, you could most certainly invest in your own playground. This jungle gym for indoor use is equipped with a rock wall, rope ladder, climbing ladder, and swing! Use my code “TWINMAMA” at checkout for a discount on your order! Certainly, an indoor jungle gym is perfect for supporting the physical development of young children. 

Wooden indoor jungle gym with a child climbing on this indoor toy.

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Play Cube

If none of the climbing toys have spoken to you yet, maybe the play cube from RAD Children’s Furniture will be the one! Nevertheless, this is a simple cube with one open side, one closed side, two sides with holes, and two sides with spindles. A play cube can be used in many different ways depending on the age and size of the child.

A young child is a wooden Montessori cube.

Things to Consider When Purchasing Montessori Climbing Toys

Montessori climbing toys are a great investment, but you should consider a few things before buying! 

  • What space do I have available in my home for this?
  • Where will it go?
  • How long do I see my child using this piece of climbing furniture? 
  • How will I store this item? What space do I have to store this item if it is no longer being used? 

While thinking through these things you will have peace of mind knowing that you made a thoughtful decision of what was best for your child, your home, and your budget. 

For more ideas check out this other blog post on The Best Indoor and Outdoor Climbing Toys for Toddlers.

A graphic of various Montessori climbing toys and text that says "Best Montessori Climbing Toys for Kids"

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