A Complete Montessori Book List for Parents

There are many great written works about The Montessori Method and how to practically implement these approaches in our environments. Many were written by Maria Montessori. But also, many have been written by others who have synthesized her work into more accessible texts. Reading about the Montessori principles, Montessori philosophy, as well as other parenting books that complement the Montessori principles will deepen your understanding of child development. It will give you confidence in guiding a child with the Montessori approach if that is your desire. If you want to build up your collection of books that will support you in implementing Montessori, then add a few of these to your Montessori book list.

Recommended Reading List Quick Links

Here are links to my well-rounded Montessori book list for parents. Throughout the rest of this post, I will go into detail and categorize these books based on how they may best support you in your Montessori journey.

Early Childhood Montessori Books
Books Written By Maria Montessori
Books to Help UNDERSTAND Montessori Philosphy
Montessori Aligned Parenting Books

Early Childhood Resource

These book titles will support you and your understanding of the young child. There are many practical recommendations on how to set up a Montessori environment at home, advice on putting Montessori principles into practice in your daily life, and great Montessori activities to do with your young child. 

The Montessori Baby

The Montessori Baby is a beautiful book. This book will be a great support for a new or seasoned parent. Throughout this book, you will get a brief overview of Montessori principles and how those principles apply to babies. The authors list out clearly how to prepare your home environment in a Montessori way. They give toy and activity recommendations as well as developmental milestones you may see and how to support them.

I found this book very practical and insightful. The book doesn’t go deep into Montessori philosophy, however, it is written with a deep understanding of Montessori pedagogy. This is a book I am so glad to have on my shelf as I was navigating the beginning of motherhood with my twins. Such a great resource when I have a quick question about something.

"The Montessori Baby" Book by Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike
"Montessori From the Start" Book by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jensen

Montessori From the Start

Montessori education isn’t just for school age, it actually can begin from the start, from birth. If you are just getting started, this book has some great information.

This book is very pedagogically accurate in that some of the suggestions may seem idealistic and maybe unattainable. It is a book that can help shape and mold that understanding of the youngest child which can be very helpful as you start in with Montessori.

If you were looking for a bit more practical book I would recommend getting both the Montessori Baby and The Montessori Toddler. The books are laid out very nicely and are more of a guide for you as you navigate infant and toddler years.

The Montessori Toddler will help support you in understanding the needs of your toddler during the toddler ages. All things from sensitive periods to creative Montessori activities to do with them. If you aren’t sure where to start with implementing Montessori at home but want to support your child’s autonomy, this book will empower you as a parent or caregiver. You get practical and actionable things you can do to support your toddler. 

What I loved about this book are some of the simple illustrations throughout. They help you to see and understand what these spaces and activities might look like in your home with your toddler.

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Books Written by Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori wrote The Absorbent Mind. This book was based on her lectures given at Ahmedabad. Dr. Montessori coined the term, absorbent mind, as being the child from birth to 6 years old. In this book, Dr. Montessori gives an analysis of all of the physical and psychological growth that happens during the first six years of life. She lays out the development of movement, explains their growth, and how to support it. She so beautifully articulates the miraculous nature of young children. However, it is a bit of a dense read.

Sometimes we are left wondering “Why does my child do this? They are driving me crazy getting into every cabinet in my kitchen!”. She helps us see, appreciate, and understand more fully who the child is and how to support them. She challenges a world that is more focused on the adult and calls us to be humble and view the child for what they are.  

The Absorbent Mind was the first Montessori book that I read. Even though it is a dense read, it gave me an appreciation and understanding of young children that I hadn’t considered much up until that point. It is the book that changed the trajectory of the rest of my life, as well as my children’s lives. When we come to understand the young child in all their magnificence as well as gain a deeper understanding of the power of The Absorbent mind we will be amazed at this method of education as an aid to life.

If you are new to Montessori or just starting out on your journey, some of the other resources may be more supportive and helpful on how to practically get started with Montessori. Certainly, if you are interested in psychology already, or really just want to hear the words directly from the source, Maria Montessori herself, you may find this book very insightful.

The Secret of Childhood

Dr. Maria Montessori writes in The Secret of Childhood about the beauty of a child. Dr. Montessori was a scientist and she uses exactness in her language when describing the child. She speaks eloquently about this method of education. She writes about materials and techniques that can be used to help children reach their fullest potential. 

"The Secret of Childhood" book by Maria Montessori
"Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents: A Selection of Articles" by Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents: A Selection of Articles

This book is a collection of eleven lectures Maria Montessori gave to parents. She gives an overview of the way in which parents should speak and relate to children. It may be an encouragement and resource for you on your Montessori journey.

From time to time you may enjoy these messages written from Maria Montessori to you as a parent.

Books About the Montessori Method

The Science Behind the Genius

I have gone through Montessori training, taught at a Montessori school, and presently am raising twins in a Montessori home. The Montessori Method has impacted me.

Angeline Stoll Lillard, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, wrote The Science Behind the Genius. This book will dive into evidence on how children learn best as well as give you a deeper understanding of what goes on in a Montessori classroom. Possibly more important than what goes on in a Montessori environment is why things are done the way they are, as well as why these methods work. 

"Montessori: the Science Behind the Genius" book by Angeline Stoll Lillard
"The Essential Montessori" by Elizabeth G. Hainstock

The Essential Montessori 

The Essential Montessori will break down the pedagogical principles that Dr. Maria Montessori writes and lectures on. This is an older book, but even so, one beautiful thing about the Montessori method is that it hasn’t changed and it continues to remain relevant even for today’s children.

Montessori: A Modern Approach

If you are curious about Montessori but are not ready to jump in feet first this book may be for you. Maybe you still have some questions about whether or not Montessori is the right fit for your child and your family. Are you wondering if Montessori is still relevant today? Even 100 years later. Or just generally curious about the Montessori method but not sure where to start with Dr. Maria Montessori’s work? This book may be helpful to you!

"Montessori A Modern Approach" Book by Paula Polk Lillard

Books with Practical Implications of Montessori

"How to Raise an Amazing Child The Montessori Way" by Tim Seldin

How To Raise an Amazing CHild The Montessori Way

If you are looking for practical tips on how to bring the Montessori teachings into your home and implement them with your children then this book will be a great resource. It is easy to read and can be used as a continual resource as your children get older and navigate new developmental stages.

It gives you an understanding of both physical and intellectual milestones that children will go through between birth and 6 years of age. You’ll be able to follow your child’s development with convenient checklists and Montessori activities.

Teaching Montessori in the Home

This book will be more of your “how to” guide when it comes to teaching Montessori in your home. If you are looking to homeschool and implement Montessori in your home then this book would be helpful. It will be your guide on what to present and how to present various things to your child as well.

If you are looking for affordable ways to start using Montessori at home with a preschool-aged child this may be a wonderful resource for you.

"Teaching Montessori In The Home The Pre-School years" book by Elizabeth G Hainstock

The Montessori Baby and The Montessori Toddler

I mentioned these books in an earlier section. I thought I would mention them again in this section as well. The Montessori Baby and The Montessori Toddler are wonderful resources for you as you navigate the first 3 years of a child’s life. It feels like a road map to have in my back pocket when I wonder what things I can offer to my child. Very practical and easy to read.

Books to Support You in Your Journey

The Whole-Brain child

The Whole-Brain Child will offer twelve strategies to help develop healthy brain development. It is important to understand how something or someone works. In fact, the authors of this book will share the science of how a child’s brain works, which will help you in your parenting.

The book offers strategies for those everyday situations and struggles so you can begin to nurture your child’s rapidly changing and developing mind.

"The Whole-Brain Child" book by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
"Boundaries with Kids Workbook" book by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

Boundaries with Kids

If you are struggling to set clear boundaries in your home and are feeling worn down and not sure what to do next, I think you will find this book helpful. This book is straightforward and will encourage and help you to see the importance of having boundaries with kids. This is very true and needed based on my many years of classroom experience. For the Montessori approach to be effective we need to have clear boundaries.

A common misconception is that Montessori allows children to do whatever they would like. On the contrary actually. In the context of a Montessori environment, the adult is offering freedom within limits. There are numerous benefits to having clear boundaries with children. 

This book is not a Montessori philosophy book and won’t even mention it quite frankly. However, I have found that gives you some of the tools, language, and insight on how to set boundaries which is important, especially in Montessori homes. 

Positive Discipline: The Early Years

Many Montessori schools use Positive Discipline. Montessori principles and positive discipline align well together.

This book will support you in laying a strong foundation during the first three years of life. Ground you with an approach to raising capable and confident children, which is definitely a value that Montessori homes and schools have as well.

If you are beyond the first three years of your child’s life but are still looking for ways to implement Positive Discipline, there is a whole series, of 16 amazing books to support you wherever you are on your parenting or educating journey.

"Positive Discipline The First Three Years" book

Looking for More Montessori Quick Reads?

While there may be many of these books you want to read now and are on your Montessori book list, maybe you also want some quick reads to continue to dive into Montessori. Check out some of these blog posts!

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