
Mirror with mobile hanging
1 Month | 2 Months | 3 Months | 4 Months | 5 Months | 6 Months | DIY Projects | Infancy | Montessori | Montessori Baby | The Prepared Environment

Montessori Baby Essentials for the First 6 Months

Whether this is your first or fourth baby, there are a few beautiful Montessori baby essentials that are great to have if you are looking to begin implementing the Montessori…

A child hanging up a coat on a hook.
Infancy | Montessori | Montessori Baby | Montessori Philosophy | Montessori Toddler | Montessori with Multiples | The Prepared Environment

How to Make a Montessori Prepared Environment in Your Home

Just imagine everything having a place and it being in its place. A carefully prepared space allows freedom of movement and choice while also setting clear limits and boundaries. Imagine…